News & Events
São Paulo, 15-18 October 2018
Join us at the FUTURECOM in Sao Paolo this October, and follow our speech on the 16th to get an insight on our view about optical transport. Stop by out booth to explore further mobile backhaul, optical metro networks solution.
Layer 3 Microwave Radio: on show SIAE MICROELETTRONICA AGS20 Microwave radio family, natively supporting Carrier Ethernet and IP/MPLS protocols, modular architecture for high capacity nodal solution, 4096QAM high modulation radios native SDN integration.
OTN & WDM Transport: presenting the new SM-Optics disaggregated optical line platform and micro-ROADM solution for unprecedented flexibility in WDM networks specifically made for Metro applications. This includes LM-1 OTN with 100Gbps, LM-1 micro OTN for network modernization of low speed traffic into OTN transport (SM-Optics patented technology), and LM-1 micro-ROADM OLS platform WSS-free solution.
On the 16th our Speech: A new model rising: how optical micro-nodes and WSS-free micro-ROADMs are redefining the metro network. Addressing disaggregated platforms, their impact and our market defining solutions.
Look for us in the mail exposition area or contact us @ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you want to set up a meeting.