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SIAE MICROELETTRONICA together with SM-Optics participated to the 5th PoC organized by ONF “Multi-domain Transport SDN made real in the ONF Proof Of Concept for Wireless Transport” in the context of Open Transport Configuration & Control (OTCC) working group, demonstrating as an open source controller can act as a network domain controller for a microwave and optical transport mobile backhaul network.
The controller was based on OpenDaylight version Oxygen adopted in ONAP project as SDN-R controller.
This result was possible thanks to the implementation of the same Yang model by all the participating vendors in the devices managed via NETCONF interfaces to the domain controller.
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA and SM-Optics participated with their layer3 microwave radio and optical transport platforms respectively.
During the PoC several applications running on top of the domain controller via a RESTCONF interface, were also tested. SIAE MICROELETTRONICA was present also as one of the software providers.
Link to the ONF official blog post: