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TARANTO is awarded ‘Best Technology Pioneer’ project by the ECSEL JU this year, because of exceptional technological advances that the project has reached with its 32 partners. The project consortium comprises the main European players in a complete value chain that extends from the BICMOS semiconductor technologies development, to the integrated circuits designs that enable system demonstrators to reach unsurpassed performance. The partners are research centres, universities, laboratories, and industrial leaders and users, thus combining the highest scientific excellence and the ability to validate the work carried out on appropriate demonstrators to be successful on the targeted markets.
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SIAE MICROELETTRONICA is one of the 32 partners collaborating in this project.
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA activities within the TARANTO project
Out activities within the TARANTO project are related to the “Building blocks for a complete E-band radio transceiver front-end with D-band extension module” focused on
- the definition of system specifications,
- the characterization of the building blocks,
- the development and characterization of E-band transitions, from die to waveguide and vice versa.
Moreover, SIAE MICROELETTRONICA coordinated the integration of all the building blocks in the testchips developed with the SiGe BiCMOS55nm (and 55X) process by STMicroelectronics and it has developed the environment for the demonstrator: “Advanced multi-GigaBit E-band radio transceiver front-end for mm-wave backhaul application” providing all the necessary hardware and software to characterize the TRX.
To know more about our activities:
For further information on the TARANTO project: