News & Events
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA will participate at the next European Microwave Week. This is the 25th anniversary of the EuMW and this year’s event takes place in Milan, our mother town on 25-30 September.
Milan is the business and financial center of Italy along with a long history of creativity so offers a great setting to host EuMW 2022. The venue is Milano Convention Center (MiCo).
The theme for EuMW 2022 is “Creative Microwaves” – as colleagues and fellow professionals can be inspired by Milan, as it happened to Leonardo da Vinci during the years that he worked in this vibrant European city creating some of his masterpieces. This is the reason that the Vitruvian Man was chosen for the logo of EuMW 2022.
The event is made up of three co-located conferences:
The European Microwave Conference (EuMC)
The European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference (EuMIC)
The European Radar Conference (EuRAD)
In addition, EuMW 2022 includes The Forum on Defence, Security and Space, The Automotive Forum, The From 5G to 6G Forum and the industry exhibition.
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA will be present with an exhibition booth and with several important activities:
- Exhibition booth n.C12 showing the HIGH-TECH SERVICES: RF AND MMIC design, Thin Film Manufacturing, Chip and Wire assembly, Microwave Sub-system Integration, Testing
- Workshop (@EuMC/EuMIC) - In cooperation with University of Calabria will organize a workshop entitled "Technological needs for future SatCom connectivity" on Sunday 25th September 2022
- 1 Focused Session (@EuMIC) - "Beyond Millimeter-wave Integrated Technologies for Wireless Communications“ on Tuesday 27th September
- 1 Industrial Keynote (@EuMC/EuMIC) - "Industrial solutions and perspectives on chip packaging for mm-wave transceivers" on Wednesday 28th September
- 5 Scientific Publications (@EuMC/EuMIC) :
- "20 GHz LNA and 29 GHz PA on SiGe BiCMOS technology for SatCom phased array systems", 17th European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference (EuMIC), 26-27 Sept. 2022;
- "Long-Reach E-band HPA for 5G Radio Link", 17th European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference (EuMIC), 26-27 Sept. 2022;
- "Micromachined On Silicon Miniaturized Ka-Band Diplexer for Ground-Segment User Terminals",52nd European Microwave Conference (EuMC2022);
- "Three-Step Monoblock Waveguide Twist", 52nd European Microwave Conference (EuMC2022);
- "Direct Analytical Synthesis of Broadside Inline Antenna Arrays", 52nd European Microwave Conference (EuMC2022);
On the 27th and 28th September our HR team will be also present at the stand for recruitment activity.
For more info about the event:
EuMW 2022 Career Platform
On the 27th and 28th September our HR team will be also present at the stand for recruitment activity.
The Career Platform is a unique event within EuMW2022; open to all, visitors, and delegates, for free, it has the target to foster the Research – Industry – Education triangle by giving the opportunities of bringing together companies and young professionals.
The Career Platform will be held on two-days (September 27th and 28th) with the support of EuMW and EuMA. It is an opportunity for young European graduates to get in touch with those companies making an impact in today’s high-frequency business and to know their main activities, application fields and market indicators, and for the companies to recruit young talents in the areas of microwaves / millimeter-waves, radar, wireless, integrated circuits engineering and more.
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA will be present with a Recruitment Space, info on the open positions with a detailed job descriptions can be found on SIAE_Job_Profiles_for_EuMW
For more info please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
More info about this event at